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Ngerderar watershed


"We the people of Aimeliik desire to foster, sustain and promote the Ngerderar Watershed Conservation Area to conserve and protect our watershed to preserve water quality and quantity, for current and future generations. We want to maintain our cultural and natural resources in their natural and healthy state. We want to promote and maintain its natural beauty. We want to conserve the use of its limited natural resources."


Aimeliik Ngerderar Watershed Conservation Area  includes the State's largest river, the Ngerderar River.  The Ngerderar River and its surrounding watershed are resilient even in the face of severe droughts, and continually produce water and is a potential public water source and as such increases community resilience to climate change. As an intact pristine forest, the watershed offers refuge for Micronesian Pigeons.

The 10 year management goals are as follows:

The Aimeliik Ngederar Watershed Conservation Area Management Plan (NWCAMP) includes two measureable outcomes: (1) an increased understanding of the area in which at least 75% of the adults and 80% of the middle school students in Aimeliik are knowledgeable about its natural and cultural resources; and (2) the development of  sustainable ecotourism including a hiking trail, botanical garden and kayaking tour.  Need action is a baseline study of the bio-physical and socio-economic monitoring and educational materials.

The Aimeliik NWCAMP calls for appropriate action to minimize threats and secondary pressures that exacerbate the impacts of climate change such as unsustainable harvest of timber.  Objectives to minimize these threats are as follows:

Resources: Ngerderar Watershed Conservation Board and Palau Conservation Society. 2011. Ngerderar Watershed Conservation Area Management Plan 2011-2016.